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Weapon Ideas#760

Energy launcher: Fire a hail of short-range tracking bullets, kind of like the missile launchers except you cannot pick the target of these and they’ll expire after a period.
Missile Launcher: Unguided projectiles that you can only fire 3 of at a time but can hold 9 in a “magazine”, something like 18 total. Projectiles stick on enemies and make them more vulnerable to damage. Would probably stack with the Weak effect.
Energy weapon: A barrel that makes it chain between targets, probably splitting the damage between each target. Maybe make it hit multiple hitboxes on a boss at once?
Bullet weapons: Railgun: charge up to deal more damage and penetrates shields. Rocket launchers: Probably 4 bullets per magazine, aoe, explosive, etc, doesn’t seem that far a stretch frankly, maybe they can only be 2-handed. Sniper grips: Makes it so you can aim down the weapon, always 2 handed, removes recoil and increases range.
Melee: Greatswords. Being able to one-hand two-handed stuff like halberds and scythes so you can use them with shields, seeing as you can already two-hand them it doesn’t seem like that far of a stretch.
Shield: Idunno add something like if you melee while shield is up you perform a shield bash, or maybe there’s a mod you can input that’ll let you sprint while shield is up to turn your shield into a defensive and offensive hitbox.

Just ideas I thought would be cool, feedback would be liked. Love your game.

2 years ago

Addition to this: Pistol grips. Would be fun to make a revolver yknow?

2 years ago

when is laser sword going to be in the game?

2 years ago