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Empires-Like Game Mode#204

An alternative game mode/storyline, or perhaps a post-story aftergame similar to Dynasty Warriors Empires, or follows the Dynasty Warriors Empires formula. Maybe something where you and the pilots of your PMC faction duke it out for dominance of the remainder of the world with other MASS-using PMC and government factions on earth. Maybe after the Quark Threat has been dealt with, world powers get greedy for the remains of earth? Or maybe it is its own separate timeline where quarks never happened? Doesn’t really matter to me, I just want to face large armies with an army of my own on a wide map, since this game seems like it would be fun to do so with its gameplay style.

4 years ago

Would like to stress that if this is considered at all, it should not be considered for something like the 1.0 release of the game, but some sort of future release far beyond it, like a DLC, since trying to make it would obviously take more effort than most other suggestions on here.

4 years ago
Changed the status to
4 years ago

A similar concept, #439 [Mass Raids+++]

4 years ago